Sunday, April 22, 2012

Absent Awhile

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2 (NIV)

Dear Blog Friends,

We find ourselves travelling once again to assist our family with caregiving needs.  This will be our longest trip yet, and I'll miss being here with you.  

I have written ahead for some days, and reposted pieces on others.  We're not really sure what day we travel home, but it will be after May 1st for sure.

We carry this verse from Ephesians with us so we can not forget that decisions in this situation are not ours.  Our role is merely one of providing respite for the caregiver, and care for my husband's brother.  Decisions about his care and their situation are solely his wife's.  It is hard not to interject your own thoughts, feelings and opinions.  And I would ask for your prayers for us in this area.  

Our desire is to be humble and gentle, patient, and loving while with them.  It is not an easy task, especially for my husband whose brother is slipping away mentally and physically.

Thanks for being such good friends -- see you soon!

Photo credit:  FBC Hanover Youth

 Sharing with Barbie at Freshly Brewed Sunday


  1. Dear Father God,
    Thank you, that it is you, yourself, who will accompany sweet Sherrey and her husband each step of the way, as they answer the call to serve. Thank you that their labour of love is undergirded with your presence, your power, and your peace. May you be faithful to provide them with exactly what they need, precisely when they need it, and may this time with her husband's brother be blessed with your sweetness and grace~
    In Jesus' precious name- Amen~

    1. Stacy, I sit here with tears at my eyes reading this love-filled and powerful prayer you have lifted up for us. God is surely ever present in your life, and you are so generous to share it with all of us. I'll carry these words in my heart as we travel and minister to Bob's brother and his wife. Thank you so very much.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Father, we thank you for Sherry and her husband and their heart filled with Your love to give out of the overflow to their family. Lord, I ask that you will grant grant Your wisdom and revelation, to know what to say and when to say it. May they go and be a beacon of light to their family members during this time. May you give strength and grace and may your love abound still more and more in the knowledge of You and all that you desire to do. Your will be done!

    My prayers are with you friend!

    1. Barbie, thank you for this beautiful and powerful prayer. Again, like Stacy, you've brought tears to my eyes knowing that I'm reading such prayers from women I've never met face-to-face. It is so amazing how we have such a community of Christian women in this blogging world! Thanks so much for praying over us and I'll be thinking this prayer each day we're away.

  4. Dear Father,
    Thank you for this sweet, caring heart Sherry and her husband have for You. Lord, guide them on this trip, give them safe travels and go before them preparing the way. Guide their interaction with Sherry's husband's brother and wife. Help them to be gentle as a dove and as wise as a serpent. Lord bless them with peace and let Your love flow through them into the people they are helping to care for.

    Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

    Praying for you,

    1. I cherish your sweet prayer for a total stranger and her family. How powerful it is to know that you are praying for us this next couple of weeks. I visited your blog and am now following you on Google. I hope to be in touch when we return home to let you know the answers we received to these beautiful prayers.

  5. Father - I lift Sherrey and her husband up to you right now. I pray for safe traveling mercies. Give them peace, for strength, and patience. Father, may your love flow through them so that others will see and glorify you.

    We ask these things in the name of your precious Son. Amen.

    1. Joan, thanks for your sweet and loving prayer for us. These words will resonate as we think on them rising up around us to our heavenly Father. It is so amazing to me to have so much love and care extended from my blogging world friends.

  6. God bless you on your journey. May he grant you wisdom and grace, peace and patience. May Jesus be seen in you as you serve him in others. I look forward to your return!


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