Friday, May 11, 2012

What's My True Identity?

On Friday mornings, The Gypsy Mama (Lisa Jo) spreads a feast before us consisting of a challenge:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.

Today's word is IDENTITY.


What is my true identity?  As my blog name implies, I'm not just a name.  I'm many things.  A daughter, a sister, a wife and mom, now grandma and great-grandma.  A servant, nurturer, mentor, volunteer.  A writer, blogger, quilter, knitter, reader.  So many things.

But when others see me they recall my name first, if they know me.  And many know that I'm all these things.

What about others who don't know me so well?  What do they see?  Who might they think I am?

I'm hopeful it's the one true identity I've not yet mentioned -- Child of God, believer, Christian, follower.

Yes, that's who I hope they see or might soon see as they get to know me.  That is the true identity of who I am and what makes me all those other things I listed above.

My true identity is what God calls me to be.  My identity was paid for by His son dying on the cross.  Blood was shed for me, so that I might be a Child of God whose sins were already covered.

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love,
as Christ also loved us and given Himself for us,
an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
~Ephesians 5:1-2


Images and verses added after the 5 minutes was up.

Image credit:  LuxeFinds


  1. That's a great visual. And lovely post; I admire your desire to be first known as a believer. :)

    1. Jen, so glad you stopped by and happy you enjoyed the visual. I've ck'd out your blog and am following. I like it's name "Intend to Live." See you around!

  2. "What about others who don't know me so well? What do they see? Who might they think I am? I'm hopeful it's the one true identity I've not yet mentioned -- Child of God, believer, Christian, follower." I hope this for myself as well. Wouldn't it be just an amazing world if all Christians strove for this? :)

    1. Sara, I always smile when I see your name now! I feel as if I've come to know you through your blog and Facebook. :) I pray for both of us that we strive for this identity -- and yes, it would be a wonderful world if all Christians shared in that striving!

      Happy week to you!

  3. Amen! No other label in our lives was paid such a price for. I think it's being first identified as belonging to Jesus that allows us to enjoy all the other things you listed without fear of being defined by them.

    1. Hi, Beck! It's always good to hear from you. Yes, this label is a costly one, higher in price than any designer label! I liked your thought that our identity as belonging to Jesus allows us to enjoy all the other things without fear of definition based on them. Thanks for that! Hope you enjoy a blessed week!


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